Successful Beginning of Another IMS Certification Cycle

The successful recertification testing of integrated management systems by ISO 9001 – the quality management system, and 45001 – the safety and health at work management system, marks the beginning of a new three-year certification cycle at the PE “Roads of Serbia”. 

The management system testing was conducted by the certification authority MSC (Management Systems Certification d.o.o) from Belgrade, whose experts confirmed the high level of application of both standards’ requirements in business processes and the entire business operation of the enterprise. 

The overall impression of the entire testing is that the PE “Roads of Serbia” has made significant progress in improving the integrated management system compared to three years ago. 

The continuous work on improving the integrated management systems and corporate culture, lasting 12 years already in our enterprise, has contributed to the integration of business excellence and standardized business operations into a part of regular functioning.
