Decisions of the Government


ico-adobe 15.07.24. Rešenje Vlade o davanju saglasnosti na Program poslovanja JP "Putevi Srbije" za 2024. godinu (Rešenje je objavljeno u "Sl. glasniku RS", broj 59/24 od 12. jula 2024. godine)

ico-adobe 09.07.24. Rešenje Vlade o davanju saglasnosti na Program poslovanja JP "Putevi Srbije" za 2024. godinu

ico-adobe 05.07.24. Rešenje Vlade o davanju saglasnosti na Odluku o izmenama i dopuni Odluke o visini posebne naknade za upotrebu javnog puta, njegovog dela i putnog objekta (putarina

ico-adobe 19.01.24. Rešenje Vlade o davanju saglasnosti na Odluku o izmenama i dopuni Odluke o visini posebne naknade za upotrebu javnog puta, njegovog dela i putnog objekta (putarina)


ico-adobe 29.12.23. Rešenje Vlade o davanju saglasnosti na Odluku o izmenama i dopuni Odluke o visini posebne naknade za upotrebu javnog puta, njegovog dela i putnog objekta (putarina)

ico-adobe 02.11.23. Government’s Decision on Giving Consent to Resolution on Amendment to Decision on the Amount of Special Fee for Usage of Public Road, Its Section and Road Facility (Toll) (Official Gazette of RS, No. 87/2023)

ico-adobe 13.10.23. Government’s Decision on Giving Consent to Resolution on Amendment to Decision on the Amount of Special Fee for Usage of Public Road, Its Section and Road Facility (Toll)

ico-adobe 29.06.23. Decision on Giving of Consent to Business Program for 2023 ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 48/2023)

ico-adobe 08.06.23. Decision on Giving of Consent to Business Program for 2023

ico-adobe 08.06.23. Decision on Giving of Consent to Business Program for 2023

 ico-adobe 04.04.23. Accompanying Act and Decision of the Government on giving consent to the decision to amend the decision on the amount of the special fee for the use of the public road, its part and road structures (toll)

ico-adobe 28.03.23. Decision of the Government on giving consent to the decision to amend the decision on the amount of the special fee for the use of the public road, its part and road structures (toll) 

ico-adobe 20.01.23. Decision on giving consent to the Program on Amendments and Supplements to the Business Program of the Public Enterprise "Roads of Serbia" for 2022 ("Official Gazette of RS", No 3/2023)

ico-adobe 19.01.23. Decision on giving consent to the Program on Amendments and Supplements to the Business Program of the Public Enterprise "Roads of Serbia" for 2022


ico-adobe 06.12.22. Government’s Decision on Giving Consent to Resolution on Amendment to Decision on the Amount of Special Fee for Usage of Public Road, Its Section and Road Facility (Toll) (Official Gazette of RS, No. 130/2022) 

ico-adobe 29.11.22. Government’s Decision on Giving Consent to Resolution on Amendment to Decision on the Amount of Special Fee for Usage of Public Road, Its Section and Road Facility (Toll)

ico-adobe 25.08.22. Decision on giving consent to the Program on Amendments and Supplements to the Business Program of the Public Enterprise "Roads of Serbia" for 2022

ico-adobe 25.02.22. Decision on Giving of Consent to Business Program for 2022 ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 27/2022)

ico-adobe 24.02.22. Decision on Giving of Consent to Business Program for 2022


ico-adobe 02.12.21. Decision on Giving of Consent to Program on Amendments of Business Program of the PE “Roads of Serbia” for 2021

ico-adobe 02.07.21. Decision on Giving of Consent to Program on Amendments of Business Program of the PE “Roads of Serbia” for 2021 („Off. Gazette of the RS“, No. 67/2021)

ico-adobe 09.06.21. Decision on appointment of members of Supervisory Board at PE “Roads of Serbia”, Belgrade

ico-adobe 09.06.21. Decision on dismissal of members of Supervisory Board at PE “Roads of Serbia”, Belgrade

ico-adobe 08.06.21. Decision on giving approval for increase of initial capital of PE “Roads of Serbia”

ico-adobe 28.05.21. Decision on giving approval for increase of initial capital of PE “Roads of Serbia” (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 53/2021)

ico-adobe 16.03.21. Decision on Giving Consent to the Business Program 2021 („Official Gazette of RS“, No. 23/21)

ico-adobe 11.03.21. Decision on Giving Consent to the Business Program 2021

ico-adobe 22.02.21. Government’s Decision on Giving Consent to Resolution on Amendment to Decision on the Amount of Special Fee for Usage of Public Road, Its Section and Road Facility (Toll) („Official Gazette of RS “, No. 15/2021)

ico-adobe 22.01.21. Decision on Giving Consent to the Program on Amendments to the Business Program 2020 ("Official Gazette of RS ", No. 44/21)


ico-adobe 26.11.20. Decision on Appointment of Chairman and Member of the Supervisory Board of the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia” Belgrade

ico-adobe 20.08.20. Decision on Dismissal of Chairman of the Supervisory Board (”Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 108/20)

ico-adobe 05.03.20. Decision on Giving Consent to the Business Program 2020 (”Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 14/20)

ico-adobe 05.03.20. Decision on Giving Consent to the Program on Amendments to the Business Program 2019 (”Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 17/20)

ico-adobe 20.02.20. Decision on Giving Consent to the Business Program 2020


ico pdf 20.12.19. Decision on approval of Operating program for 2019 amendment program

ico pdf 20.12.19. Decision on approval of Operating program for 2019 amendment program. (“Official Gazette RS”, No. 90/2019)

ico-adobe 07.11.19. Decision on approval of amendment of Decision on Amount of Special Fee (Toll) for Public Road, Its Segment and Road Infrastructure (“Official Gazette RS”, No. 77/19)

ico-adobe 01.11.19. Decision on approval of amendment of Decision on Amount of Special Fee (Toll) for Public Road, Its Segment and Road Infrastructure

ico-adobe 02.08.19. Decision on approving the Decision on the particular fee amount for the use of a public road, its section and road structure (toll) and Decision (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 54/19)

ico-adobe 25.07.19. Resolution on approving the Decision on amending the Decision on the amount of special fee for the usage of public road, its section and road structure (toll)

ico-adobe 17.06.19. Resolution on Approval to the Decision on the Amount of Special Fee for the Usage of Paublic Road, its Section and Road Facility (Toll) (Official Gazette of RS, No. 40/19)

ico-adobe 14.05.19. Decision and Explanation of Adoption of Program on Amendments to Business Program for 2019

ico-adobe 08.01.19. Decision and Explanation of Adoption of Program on Amendments to Business Program for 2018

ico-adobe 08.01.19. Decision and Explanation of Adoption of Program on Amendments to Business Program for 2018 (Official Gazette of RS, No. 104/18)


ico-adobe 13.09.18. Resolution on Approval of Decision on Amendment to Decision on the Amount of Special Fee for the Usage of Paublic Road, its Section and Road Facility (Toll) and this Decision (Official Gazette of RS, No. 68/18)

ico-adobe 06.09.18. Resolution on Approval of Decision on Amendment to Decision on the Amount of Special Fee for the Usage of Paublic Road, its Section and Road Facility (Toll)

ico pdf 09.03.18. Decision on consent on Business Program of the PE “Roads of Serbia” for 2018 (Official Gazette of RS, No. 16/18)

ico pdf 06.03.18. Decision on consent on Business Program of the PE “Roads of Serbia” for 2018

ico pdf 01.03.18. Decision on Approval of Long- and mid-term plan of business strategy and development of the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia” 2017-2027 (Official Gazette of RS, No. 14/18)

ico pdf 26.02.18. Decision on Approval of Long- and mid-term plan of business strategy and development of the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia” 2017-2027

ico pdf 10.01.18. Decision on Issuing Approval for the Program on Amendments to Business Program of the PE “Roads of Serbia” for 2017 (Official Gazette of RS, No. 119/17)

ico pdf 05.01.18. Decision on Issuing Approval for the Program on Amendments to Business Program of the PE “Roads of Serbia” for 2017


ico-adobe 30.11.17. Resolution on Issuing Approval for Decision on Amendments to Decision on the amount of special fee for the usage of public road, its section and road facility (toll)

ico-adobe 30.11.17. Resolution on Issuing Approval for Decision on Amendments to Decision on the amount of special fee for the usage of public road, its section and road facility (toll) (Official Gazette of RS, No. 106/17)

ico-adobe 24.11.17. Government Resolution on Issuing Approval for Decision on the amount of fee for the special transport on state roads of the Republic of Serbia and the Decision (Official Gazette of RS, No. 103/17)

ico-adobe 21.11.17. Resolution on Issuing Approval for Decision on the amount of fee for the special transport on state roads of the Republic of Serbia

ico pdf 17.10.17. Resolution and Decision on Amendment to Decision on the amount of special fee for the usage of public road, its section and road facility (toll) – excerpt from (Official Gazette of RS, No. 90/17)

ico pdf 17.10.17. Resolution on Issuing Approval for Decision on Amendments to Decision on the amount of special fee for the usage of public road, its section and road facility (toll)

ico pdf 09.10.17. Decisions on termination of an appointment and new appointment of Supervisory Board members (Official Gazette of RS, No. 88/17)

ico pdf 04.10.17. Decisions on termination of an appointment and new appointment of Supervisory Board members

ico pdf 11.08.17. Decision on approval of Business Program of the PE “Roads of Serbia” for 2017 (Official Gazette of RS, No. 76/17)

ico pdf 08.08.17. Decision on approval of Business Program of the PE “Roads of Serbia” for 2017

ico pdf 23.02.17. Decision on issuing Approval of Program on Amendments to Business Program of the PE „Roads of Serbia“ for 2016

ico pdf 23.02.17. Decision on issuing Approval of Program on Amendments to Business Program of the PE „Roads of Serbia“ for 2016 – excerpt from Official Gazette

ico pdf 22.02.17. Decision on approving the Program on Amendments to the Business Program for 2016


ico pdf 26.02.16. Decision on giving approval to the Decision on the amount of fee for using state road for vehicles registered abroad


ico pdf 18.11.15. Decision on giving approval to the Decision amending the Decision on the amount of special fee for using public road, its segment and road structure (toll)

ico pdf 07.09.15. Decision on giving approval to Annual Financial Report of the PE “Roads of Serbia” for 2014

ico pdf 25.05.15. Decision on Issuing Approval to the Work Regulations


ico pdf 20.11.14. Decision on issuing approval for decisions on the status change of "Koridori Srbije" Ltd and Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”

ico pdf 31.07.14. Decision of approving the decision of amendments and addition to decision of the amount of special fee for the use of public road, its segment and road structure (toll)

ico pdf 29.07.14. Decision on approving the Program of amendments to the Business Program of the PE "Roads of Serbia" for 2014

ico pdf 28.07.14. Official Gazette RS, No. 78 Contents

ico pdf 28.07.14. Official Gazette RS, No. 78 Decision on approving the Program of amendments to the Business Program of the PE "Roads of Serbia" for 2014

ico pdf 28.07.14. Official Gazette RS, No. 78 Decision on amendments to Decision on the amount of special fee for the use of public road, its segment and road structure (toll)

ico pdf 27.05.14. Excerpt from the "Official Gazette" with published Decision on approving the PE "Roads of Serbia" 2014 BP

ico pdf 26.05.14. Decision on approving the 2014 Business Plan


ico pdf 08.11.13. Decision on release from duty and appointment of the PE "Roads of Serbia" Supervisory Board member

ico pdf 08.11.13. Decision on addendum to decision on appointing president and members of the PE "Roads of Serbia" Supervisory Board

ico pdf 05.07.13. Decision on appointing president and members of the supervisory board of the PR “Roads of Serbia”
