03.03.2025. Radovi na državnom putu I A reda broj 2, petlja Surčin – petlja Jakovo
- 03.03.2025. godine, u periodu od 8 do 16 časova, izvode se radovi na pranju odbojne ograde na državnom putu I A reda broj 2, petlja Surčin – petlja Jakovo.
U zoni radova za saobraćaj su zatvorene preticajne saobraćajne trake oba smera.
Radovi su obeleženi adekvatnom saobraćajnom signalizacijom i opremom. 03.03.2025. Radovi na državnom putu II A reda broj 100, Petrovaradin – Sremski Karlovci (klizište Puckaroš)
- Do 01.04.2025. godine, izvode se radovi na sanaciji klizišta Puckaroš, na deonici državnog puta II A reda broj 100, Petrovaradin - Sremski Karlovci.
Od 03.03.2025. godine, od 15 časova, za saobraćaj će, u zoni radova, biće isključena jedna traka, od dve, koje idu od Sremskih Karlovaca prema Petrovaradinu. Saobraćaj će se odvijati dvosmerno sa suženjem, a u delu, gde se prelazi sa dve na jednu traku, saobraćaj će se odvijati isto dvosmerno ali preko privremene devijacije uz ograničenje brzine na 30 km/h.
Radovi će biti obezbeđeni adekvatnom saobraćajnom opremom i signalizacijom.
*Do 03.03.2025. tokom izvođenja radova, saobraćaj će se odvija naizmeničnim propuštanjem vozila, regulisan semaforima u dužini od 250 metara. 28.02.2025. Radovi na državnom putu I B reda broj 15, na deonici Sombor – Kula
- Od 03.03.2025. do 31.12.2025. godine, u toku svetlog dela dana, izvodiće se radovi na rehabilitaciji državnog puta I B reda broj 15, na deonici Sombor – Kula.
Radovi će se izvoditi na više lokacija prema postavljenoj saobraćajnoj signalizaciji.
Radovi će biti obezbeđeni adekvatnom saobraćajnom signalizacijom i opremom. 28.02.2025. Izmena režima saobraćaja na državnom putu I B reda broj 13, mesto Kovilovo
- Obaveštavamo Vas da je na delu državnog puta I B reda broj 13, u mestu Kovilovo (opština Palilula), na km 179+388, izmenjen režim saobraćaja u saobraćajnim trakama u smeru ka Beogradu. Saobraćaj se odvija dvosmerno saobraćajnim trakama smera Beograd - Zrenjanin.
Molimo učesnike u saobraćaju da prilagode brzinu kretanja uslovima na putu. 28.02.2025. Radovi na državnom putu I B reda broj 21, deonica Kosjerić (Varda) - Požega
- Do 03.03.2025. godine, zbog izvođenja radova kod Pantića Stene u okviru radova na pojačanom održavanju, na državnom putu I B reda broj 21, na deonici Kosjerić (Varda) – Požega, saobraćaj se odvija naizmeničnim propuštanjem vozila.
Radovi su obezbeđeni adekvatnom saobraćajnom signalizacijom i opremom. 28.02.2025. Radovi na državnom putu I M reda broj 11, petlja Bubanj Potok - petlja Lasta
- 03.03.2025. godine, u periodu od 9 do 15 časova, izvodiće se radovi redovnog održavanja, na kresanju i uklanjanju gustog šiblja i drveća na spoljnoj strani bankine i iznad potpornih zidova na državnom putu I M reda broj 11, na deonici petlja Bubanj Potok - petlja Lasta ( od km 29+495 do km 23+158 ), u smeru ka petlji Lasta.
Tokom izvođenja radova, za saobraćaj će biti zatvorena krajnja desna saobraćajna traka, u dužini od minimum 800 metara i saobraćaj će se odvijati voznom i preticajnom saobraćajnom trakom.
Radovi će biti obezbeđeni adekvatnom saobraćajnom signalizacijom i opremom. 28.02.2025. Radovi na državnom putu I A reda broj 1, petlja Vrčin - petlja Tranšped
- 03.03.2025. godine, u periodu od 9 do 15 časova, izvodiće se radovi redovnog održavanja, na kresanju naraslog srednjeg pojasa sa utovarom i odvozom materijala, na delu državnog puta I A reda broj 1, na deonici petlja Vrčin - petlja Tranšped (na km 221+400 do km 220+600), u smeru ka Beogradu.
Tokom izvođenja radova, za saobraćaj će biti zatvorena preticajna saobraćajna traka, u dužini od minimum 800 metara i saobraćaj će se odvijati voznom i zaustavnom saobraćajnom trakom.
Radovi će biti obezbeđeni adekvatnom saobraćajnom signalizacijom i opremom. 28.02.2025. Radovi na državnom putu I A reda broj 1, petlja Batajnica
- 03.03.2025. godine, u periodu od 9 do 15 časova, izvodiće se radovi redovnog održavanja, na sanaciji oštećenog kolovoza na ulivnoj rampi petlje Batajnica, na državnom putu I A reda broj 1, iz pravca Zemuna ka Novom Sadu.
Tokom izvođenja radova, za saobraćaj iz pravca Zemuna ka Novom Sadu, biće zatvorena ulivna rampa na državnom putu I A reda broj 1 i krajnja desna saobraćajna traka, a saobraćaj će se odvijati dvema saobraćajnim trakama ka Batajnici, do kružnog toka, zatim okretanjem na kružnom toku, iz pravca Zemuna preko petlje Batajnica, učesnici u saobraćaju nastavljaju ka Novom Sadu.
Radovi će biti obezbeđeni adekvatnom saobraćajnom signalizacijom i opremom. 28.02.2025 Works on II А category state road no. 258, interchange Leskovac Center - Oraovica
- Until 14th March 2025, mechanical profile cutting of a delevelled shoulder below the crash barrier will be carried out on the II А category state road no. 258, section interchange Leskovac Center - Oraovica.
From 07:00 to 17:00, the traffic will move in an alternating pattern and be regulated manually (by flaggers).
The works will be provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. 28.02.2025 Works on I A category state road no.4, Interchange Niš North - Interchange Niš East
- Reconstruction works will be carried out on the bridge at the interchange Niš North, on the I A category state road no.4, on the section Interchange Niš North - Interchange Niš East, at km 002+497.
Narrowing of traffic lanes will take place on the interchange Niš North legs in the zone of the reconstruction works on the bridge at the interchange Niš North, at km 002+497, in compliance with the provided traffic signage.
The works will be provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment.
We ask traffic participants to obey the traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 26.02.2025. Works on I A category state road no.1, section Beška – Novi Banovci
- From 27th February 2025 to 5th March 2025, during daylight, cleaning of traffic signage and equipment and sanitation works on the median strip as well will be carried out on the section Beška – Novi Banovci, in the direction of Belgrade.
During the work execution, the traffic will move in the driving lane, while the overtaking lane will be closed for a length of up to 5 km.
The works will be provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. 25.02.2025 Works on segment of I А category state road no.1, on section Interchange Bubanj Potok – Interchange Pojate
- From 27 February 2025 to 7 March 2025, from 08:00 to 16:00, repair and replacement of damaged sign posts will be carried out on the crash barriers along the right edge of the carriageway, in the driving direction, on a segment of the I А category state road no.1, on the section Interchange Bubanj Potok – Interchange Pojate, in both directions.
During the work execution, the emergency lane and slip roads will be closed, and the traffic will move in the driving and overtaking lanes.
The works will be carried out in motion and provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. 25.02.2025 Works on I А category state road no.1, Interchange Ostružnica – Interchange Orlovača
- From 27 February 2025 at 08:00 to 4 March 2025 until 16:00, replacement of the dilapidated pedestrian guardrail will be carried out on the inspection path on a segment of the I А category state road no.1, at the Belgrade Bypass, Interchange Ostružnica – Interchange Orlovača, between the tunnel Železnik and the interchange Orlovača, in the direction of Niš.
The emergency lane in the work zone will be closed, the traffic will move in the driving and overtaking lanes.
The works will be provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. 25.02.2025 Works on segment of I M category state road no.11, on section Interchange Lasta – Interchange Bubanj Potok
- From 27 February 2025 to 4 March 2025, from 08:00 to 16:00, repair and replacement of damaged sign posts will be carried out on the crash barriers along the right edge of the carriageway, in the driving direction, on a segment of the I М category state road no.11, on the section Interchange Lasta – Interchange Bubanj Potok, in both directions.
During the work execution, the emergency lane and slip roads will be closed, and the traffic will move in the driving and overtaking lanes.
The works will be carried out in motion and provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. 24.02.2025. Traffic suspension on II А category state road no. 216, through city of Prokuplje
- Until 2 March 2025, from 07:00 to 18:00, traffic will be suspended for all vehicles due to the work execution in Milena Jovanovića street (II А category state road no. 216 through the city of Prokuplje), from the intersection with Ratka Pavlovića street (I B category state road no. 35) to the intersection with Vukovarska street.
During the suspension, traffic will move on alternative city streets.
The works are provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. 24.02.2025. Traffic suspension on II А category state road no.165, section Zaječar - Zvezdan
From 25 February 2025 at 12:00 to 10 May 2025, a traffic suspension will be in effect due to the rehabilitation works on the II А category state road no.165, section Zaječar - Zvezdan (from km 66+835 to km 70+014).
The works will be provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment.Izmena režima saobraćaja u sklopu izgradnje državnog puta I M reda broja 7, petlja Požarevac - Golubac (nakon isključenja za Malu Krsnu)
- Obaveštavamo Vas da će u sklopu izgradnje državnog puta I M reda broja 7, petlja Požarevac - Golubac, doći do izmene u režimu saobraćaja, od 23.02.2025. godine, i to:
- u smeru ka Požarevcu, nakon isključenja za Malu Krsnu (km 2+100) biće u upotrebi obe kolovozne trake u dužini od 20 km, odnosno sve do ukrštaja državnog puta I M reda broja 7 sa ulicom Bože Dimitrijevića. Napominje se da će se u zoni nadvožnjaka iznad ulice Vojske Jugoslavije saobraćaj odvijati preko leve saobraćajne trake.
- nakon Kumana, u smeru ka Gradištu, saobraćaj će biti preusmeren na novoizgrađenu saobraćajnicu. Na drugom kružnom toku na trasi je isključenje za Gradište, a vozila koja idu ka Golubcu nastavljaju novoizgrađenom saobraćajnicom do isključenja za Ponikve.
- Po trenutnom režimu saobraćaja u zoni petlje na km 14+500 novoizgrađenog državnog puta I M reda broj 7 nije moguće isključenje ka naselju Dragovac za vozila koja se kreću u smeru od auto-puta ka Velikom Gradištu, kao i isključenje ka Požarevcu za vozila koja se kreću od Velikog Gradišta ka auto-putu.
Molimo učesnike u saobraćaju da poštuju saobraćajnu signalizaciju i prilagode brzinu kretanja uslovima na putu. Izmena režima saobraćaja u sklopu izgradnje državnog puta I M reda broja 7, petlja Požarevac - Golubac (nakon Kumana)
- Obaveštavamo Vas da će u sklopu izgradnje državnog puta I M reda broja 7, petlja Požarevac - Golubac, doći do izmene u režimu saobraćaja, od 23.02.2025. godine, i to:
- u smeru ka Požarevcu, nakon isključenja za Malu Krsnu (km 2+100) biće u upotrebi obe kolovozne trake u dužini od 20 km, odnosno sve do ukrštaja državnog puta I M reda broja 7 sa ulicom Bože Dimitrijevića. Napominje se da će se u zoni nadvožnjaka iznad ulice Vojske Jugoslavije saobraćaj odvijati preko leve saobraćajne trake.
- nakon Kumana, u smeru ka Gradištu, saobraćaj će biti preusmeren na novoizgrađenu saobraćajnicu. Na drugom kružnom toku na trasi je isključenje za Gradište, a vozila koja idu ka Golubcu nastavljaju novoizgrađenom saobraćajnicom do isključenja za Ponikve.
- Po trenutnom režimu saobraćaja u zoni petlje na km 14+500 novoizgrađenog državnog puta I M reda broj 7 nije moguće isključenje ka naselju Dragovac za vozila koja se kreću u smeru od auto-puta ka Velikom Gradištu, kao i isključenje ka Požarevcu za vozila koja se kreću od Velikog Gradišta ka auto-putu.
Molimo učesnike u saobraćaju da poštuju saobraćajnu signalizaciju i prilagode brzinu kretanja uslovima na putu. 19.02.2025.Works on I A category state road no.1, Belgrade Bypass, section Interchange Belgrade – Interchange Ostružnica
- Until 1st April 2025, from 08:00 to 16:00, except on weekends and in case of bad weather, installation of a protective wire fence is carried out on the road reserve on the I A category state road no.1, Belgrade Bypass, section Interchange Belgrade – Interchange Ostružnica, direction Novi Sad – Niš.
Direction Novi Sad – Niš/Čačak: The emergency lane in the work zone is locally closed up to 500 meters, while the traffic moves in the overtaking and driving lanes.
Direction Niš / Čačak – Novi Sad : Normal traffic flow.
The works are provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. 03.02.2025. Izmena režima saobraćaja na državnom putu II A reda broj 181, deonica Lučani - Lis
- Od 05.02.2025. godine do 05.04.2025. godine, biće izmenjen režim saobraćaja na državnom putu II A reda broj 181, na deonici Lučani - Lis, zbog radova na izgradnji kružne raskrsnice, u sklopu radova na izgradnji auto-puta E-763, Preljina - Požega.
Tokom izvođenja radova, saobraćaj će se odvijati suženim kolovozom, uz naizmenično propuštanje vozila i biće regulisan semaforskom signalizacijom.
Molimo učesnike u saobraćaju da poštuju postavljenu saobraćajnu signalizaciju i da prilagode brzinu kretanja uslovima na putu. 27.01.2025. Works on I B category state road no.35, in Zaječar
From 27th January 2025 to 30th April 2025, from 07:00 to 17:00, rehabilitation works will be carried out on the I B category state road no.35, in Zaječar, in Miloša Obilića street, from the intersection with Save Kovačevića street to the roundabout next to the hospitals.
The traffic in the work zone moves in an alternating pattern.
The works are provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment.24.01.2025. Pančevački most
- Povodom objava u pojedinim medijima da je za danas najavljeno okupljane građana na Pančevačkom mostu i blokada mosta,JP „Putevi Srbije“ apeluje na celokupnu javnost i učesnike skupa da takav intenzitet dinamičkog opterećenja nije statički proveren te se ne preporučuje blokada i okupljanje na samoj konstrukciji mosta kao i na prilaznim konstrukcijama.
Zbog oštećenja objekta u prethodnom periodu izvršeni su hitni radovi na podupiranju najoštećenijih mesta i limitirano saobraćajno opterećenje na 12 tona ukupne mase i jedino pod tim uslovima most je proveren i bezbedan za upotrebu. 24.01.2025 Works on I B category state road no.15, on section Sombor – Kula
- From 27th January 2025 at 12:00 to 28th March 2025, rehabilitation works will be carried out on the I B category state road no.15, on the section Sombor (industrial zone) – Kula.
The traffic in the work zone will be rerouted to a deviation, regulated by traffic lights, with vehicles moving in an alternating pattern.
The works are provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. 17.01.2025 Traffic suspension on I B category state road no.14, Smederevo (Radinac) – Ralja, bridge over river Ralja
- From 23rd January 2025 to 10th June 2025, a traffic suspension will be in effect due to the rehabilitation works on the bridge over the river Ralja, on the I B category state road no.14, section Smederevo (Radinac) – Ralja.
The alternative route is the II А category state road no.153 – interchange Smederevo South.
Everyone coming from the Požarevac direction should enter the motorway at the interchange POŽAREVAC and exit the motorway at the interchange SMEDEREVO SOUTH (the length of this section on the motorway is 1.1 km). Continue further along the state road no.153 to the state road no.14. At the intersection of roads 153 and 14 turn right (toward the steel plant) to the road leading to Ralja. The works will be provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment.
We ask traffic participants to obey the traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 15.01.2025 Works on segment of I A category state road no. 1 Interchange Požarevac – Interchange Velika Plana, bridges over river Jasenica
- Until 01.04. 2025, rehabilitation works will commence on the bridges over the river Jasenica, on the I A category state road no. 1, section Interchange Požarevac – Interchange Velika Plana at km 290+227.954.
The execution of works on the subject section has been planned in 2 phases, during which the vehicles will be rerouted, via emergency opening, to the side of the carriageway where no works are executed. Phase 1 envisages the execution of works on the left side of the carriageway, in the direction from Niš to Belgrade, while Phase 2 envisages the execution of works on the right side of the carriageway, in the direction from Belgrade to Niš.
All traffic participants are asked to be patient, more alert and obey the traffic signage in the work execution zone.
The temporary traffic regime modification will last until the rehabilitation works on the bridges are completed, until 15.01.2025. 13.01.2025 Works on II А category state road no.165, in settlement Vražogrnac
- From 15th January to 30th April 2025, from 07:00 to 15:00, rehabilitation works will be carried out on the II А category state road no.165, on the section Rgotina – Zaječar, through the settlement Vražogrnac.
The traffic in the work zone will move in an alternating pattern.
The works will be provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. Radovi na rehabilitaciji mosta na državnom putu I B reda broj 14, deonica : Smederevo – Kovin ( Kovinski most )
- Od 21.01.2025.godine počinju radovi na rehabilitaciji mosta preko reke Dunav na državnom putu I B reda broj 14, deonica: Smederevo – Kovin ( Kovinski most ).
U početku radovi će se izvoditi u glavnom sandučastom nosaču i na delovima konstrukcije koja se nalaze ispod mosta, te neće doći do izmene režima saobraćaja. 30.12.2024 Traffic regime modification on II А category state road no. 227, section Vlase - Interchange Vranje South
- Until 07.03.2025 ,due to the landslide on the II А category state road no. 227, section Vlase – interchange Vranje South, at the settlement Drenovac, the left side of the road in the direction of Vranje.
The traffic moves in an alternating pattern, while a traffic ban is in effect for cargo vehicles over 10 t.
We ask traffic participants to adapt their speed to the road conditions. 30.12.2024 Works on II A category state road no.187, section Varvarin - Mijatovac
- Until 31.05.2025, from 07:00 to 16:00, rehabilitation works are carried out on the II A category state road no.187, Varvarin - Mijatovac, on the section Svojinovo - Trešnjevica.
During the work execution, the traffic moves in an alternating pattern, regulated by flaggers and in compliance with the temporary construction site signage, with a speed limit of 30 km/h.
The works are provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. 30.12.2024. Modification of existing temporary traffic regime on I B category state road no.27, in Popučke
- As of 30th December 2024, modification of the existing temporary traffic regime is in effect on a segment of the I B category state road no.27, from km 80+410 to km 82+390 in Popučke.
The modification of the existing temporary traffic regime repeals phase 3 and temporary traffic signage and equipment are installed in compliance with phase 4 (for the requirements of the construction of a segment of the roundabout).
We ask traffic participants to obey the traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 27.12.2024.Traffic regime modification on II А category state road no. 200, section Prijepolje – Monastery Mileševa
- A traffic regime modification is in prolonged until 30.06.2025. due to the landslide on the II А category state road no. 200, section Prijepolje – Monastery Mileševa.
The traffic moves in an alternating pattern.
We ask traffic participants to obey the provided temporary traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 27.12.2024.Traffic regime modification on I B category state road no.23, on section Užice – Zlatibor, in settlement Surduk
- A traffic regime modification is in effect on the I B category state road no.23, section Užice – Zlatibor, in the settlement Surduk, until 30th June 2025, due to the occurrence of a landslide on the existing culvert.
In the direction of Zlatibor, out of two traffic lanes, the traffic in the far right traffic lane is closed for 50 meters.
We ask traffic participants to obey the traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 27.12.2024.Traffic regime modification on I B category state road no.23, on section Brodarevo – Gostun, in settlement Točilovo
- The traffic regime modification due to the occurrence of a landslide on the I B category state road no.23, on the section Brodarevo – Gostun, in the settlement Točilovo, is prolonged until 30th June 2025. The traffic moves in an alternating pattern and is regulated by traffic signs.
We ask traffic participants to obey the provided temporary traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 27.12.2024.Traffic regime modification on II А category state road no.174, section Karan - Trnava
- A traffic regime modification is in effect until 30th June 2025 due to the occurrence of a landslide on the II А category state road no.174, section Karan – Trnava. The traffic moves in an alternating pattern, regulated by traffic lights.
We ask traffic participants to obey the provided temporary traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 25.12.2024. Prolongation of traffic closure on II А category state road no.150, Aranđelovac (Bukulja) - Belanovica
- Prolongation of traffic closure until 02.04.2025, will be in effect on the bridge over Garaši Lake, on the II А category state road no. 150, section Aranđelovac (Bukulja) - Belanovica.
The alternative route for passenger vehicles: Aranđelovac – Belanovica, in both directions, via I B category state road no. 27, section Aranđelovac – Darosava and further via II B category state road no. 365, section Darosava – Živkovci – Belanovica.
The alternative route for cargo vehicles: Aranđelovac – Belanovica, in both directions: Aranđelovac – Belanovica, in both directions: via I B category state road no. 27, section Aranđelovac – Lazarevac, and further via I B category state road no. 22, section Lazarevac (Ibar Highway) – Poljanice, and via II A category state road no. 150, section Poljanice – Belanovica.
The works are provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment.
We ask traffic participants to obey the traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 20.12.2024 Information on installation of temporary traffic signage on II A category state road no.167, Kladovo - Milutinovac, through settlement Rtkovo
- On the II А category state road no.167, Kladovo – Milutinovac, due to the construction of the sewage system on the municipality Kladovo territory, through the project “Clean Serbia”, through the settlement Rtkovo from km 12+089 to km 13+983.
The planned deadline for the work execution is December 15th, 2025. We ask traffic participants to obey the traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 19.12.2024.Cargo traffic ban on II А category state road no. 174 Trnava – Kosjerić, bridge in Trnava
- A cargo traffic ban for trucks with trailers and tow trucks is introduced on the II А category state road no.174, section Trnava – Kosjerić, due to the damage on the bridge in Trnava.
16.12.2024 Traffic regime modification on I B category state road no.22, section Novi Pazar – Ribariće, viaduct Orlje
- From 16th December 2024 to 30th April 2025, a traffic regime modification is in effect on a segment of the I B category state road no.22, on the section Novi Pazar – Ribariće, on the viaduct Orlje.
The right side of the carriageway on the bridge is closed, while the traffic on the left side of the carriageway moves in an alternating pattern with the help of traffic lights.
We ask traffic participants to obey the traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 13.12.2024 Traffic regime modification on II А category state road no.161, Žagubica – Brestovačka Banja - Bor
- Until 5th April 2025, from 07:00 to 15:00, a modified traffic regime will be in effect due the works on the modification of the II А category state road no.161, for the requirements of special transport of wind turbine parts for the construction of a wind farm, on the section Žagubica – Brestovačka Banja – Bor.
The traffic will move in an alternating pattern and it will be provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. 04.12.2024. Traffic regime modification on segment of I B category state road no.24 and I М category state road no.15, Batočina - Kragujevac
- Unthil 30.05.2025 a traffic regime modification will be in effect on a segment of the I B category state road no. 24 and the I М category state road no.15 – the northern bypass around Kragujevac, on the section Batočina – Kragujevac, from km 16+450 tо km 19+650, the future interchange Jovanovac zone, during the execution of works at the junction Jovanovac.
During the work execution, the traffic in both directions will be rerouted to the overtaking lanes.
The works will be provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment.
We ask traffic participants to obey the provided traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 15.11.2024. Traffic regime modification on I B category state road no.19, section Kuzmin-Border SRB/BiH
- A traffic regime modification is in effect until 1st April 2025 on the I B category state road no.19, section Kuzmin (Sr. Mitrovica) – border SRB/BiH (Sremska Rača), due to the execution of construction works on the new border crossing on the I А category state road no.7.
During the execution of works, signage is provided, promptly alerting drivers to danger due to the convergence of a secondary road with a state road and the narrowing of the carriageway.
We ask traffic participants to adapt their speed to the road conditions. 29.10.2024 Traffic regime modification on I B category state road no.23, settlement Koševi
- On 30th 2024, during daylight, the deviation on a segment of the I B category state road no.23, in the settlement Koševi (28+850), will be closed.
The traffic will be rerouted to the newly-constructed roundabout on the route Kraljevo – Kruševac.
The roundabout leg towards the Morava Corridor interchange will be closed.
We ask traffic participants to adapt their speed to the road conditions and obey the provided traffic signage.
06.10.2024 Traffic regime modification on I B category state road no. 34, section Veliko Gradište - Golubac
- As of 7 October 2024, a traffic regime modification will be in effect on the I B category state road no. 34, section Veliko Gradište - Golubac, due to the construction works on the Interchange Požarevac - Golubac expressway, the traffic will be rerouted via the newly-constructed overpass immediately after the settlement Braničevo, in the direction of Golubac.
We ask traffic participants to obey the provided traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 02.10.2024 Traffic suspension on II B category state road no. 438, on bridge over Kozare River
- As of 3 October 2024, a traffic suspension will be in effect on the bridge over the Kozare River, in Grdelica, on the II B category state road no.438, in both directions, due to the reconstruction works.
The traffic will be rerouted to the alternative route through Grdelica.
The works will be provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. 30.09.2024.Modification of the traffic regime on II B category state road number 408, section Pakovraće - Markovica
- Until September 30, 2025, there will be a modification in the traffic regime on II B category state road number 408, on the section of Pakovraće - Markovica (km 0+416.23), due to construction works on the E-763 highway, Pakovraće - Požega.
Traffic will be diverted to the detour and will flow in an alternating pattern by using light signals.
We ask road users to observe the posted traffic signalization and to adjust their speed to the road conditions. 23.09.2024. Traffic regime modification on I B category state road no.34, Veliko Gradište - Golubac
- On 24 September 2024, as part of the expressway Interchange Požarevac – Požarevac (bypass) – Veliko Gradište – Golubac construction, traffic will be rerouted to the newly-constructed side of the carriageway on a segment of the I B category state road no.34 (from km 50+000 tо km 52+000) between settlements Ponikve and Usije.
We ask traffic participants to obey the provided traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 19.08.2024 Works on I B category state road no. 26, bridge over river Drina in Mali Zvornik
- As of 19.08.2024, reconstruction works will be carried out on the bridge over the river Drina – Karakaj, on the I B category state road no. 26, in Mali Zvornik.
The traffic will move in an alternating pattern in one traffic lane and be regulated by traffic lights.
A traffic ban is in effect for cargo vehicles whose total mass exceeds 5 tons.
We ask traffic participants to obey the provided traffic signage. 01.06.2024 Traffic regime modification on segment of II A category state road no.187, Velika Drenova - Jasika
- On 01.06.2024 from 17:00, a road deviation was opened on a segment of the II A category state road no.187, Velika Drenova at km 43+500 due to the works on the Morava Corridor interchange. We ask traffic participants to obey the traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions.
05.04.2024. Traffic ban for cargo vehicles on I B category state road no. 26, border crossing Mali Zvornik zone, bridge over river Drina
As of 08.04.2024 a traffic ban will be in effect for cargo vehicles whose total mass exceeds 5 tons, due to the damage on the bridge over the river Drina – Karakaj at km 145+771, on the I B category state road no. 26, in the border crossing Mali Zvornik zone, with the traffic for the mentioned vehicles alternatively moving via the border crossing in Ljubovija.
We ask traffic participants to obey the provided traffic signage.06.03.2024. Traffic regime modification on II A category state road no.124, Drenovac - Šabac
- The traffic regime has been modified on the II A category state road no. 124, on the section Drenovac – Šabac, in the settlement Mačvanski Pričinović, from km 21+004 tо km 21+393, for securing access to the construction site and the site camp for the requirements of the construction of the expressway Šabac – Loznica.
The traffic in the construction site access zone moves in compliance with the temporary traffic signage, informing drivers of vehicles entering and exiting the state road and the reduced speed limit.
We ask traffic participants to obey the traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 23.02.2024 Traffic regime modification on II B category state road no. 342, in Popučke
- On 26.02.2024, the existing traffic regime will be modified on a segment of the II B category state road no. 342, in Popučke (from km 22+655 to km 23+484).
The modification of the existing traffic regime refers to the removal of the temporary deviation and rerouting of traffic to the existing, reconstructed route of the II B category state road no. 342, below the newly-constructed overpass on the route of the I B category expressway no. 27, Loznica – Valjevo – Lazarevac, section Iverak – Lajkovac.
Since the construction works will still be executed in the newly-constructed overpass zone, a temporary modified traffic regime will still be in effect on this segment of the state road – bidirectional traffic flow without vehicles moving in an alternating pattern with a speed limit and an overtaking ban for all vehicles in the construction site zone.
We ask traffic participants to obey the traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 22.01.2024 Works on II А category state road no. 197, section Kumanica-Kamenjača
- Reconstruction works are in progress on the II А category state road no. 197, section Kumanica-Kamenjača, for a length of 3.5km, comprising the works on the construction of 4 new bridges.
The traffic moves on a deviation in one segment, with a traffic ban for trucks with trailers.
The works are provided with adequate temporary traffic signage and equipment.
We ask traffic participants to obey the temporary traffic signage as well as the speed limit. 16.01.2024 Traffic ban for vehicles whose total mass exceeds 3.5 tons, on the II А category state road no.108, Bačka Palanka – Border Crossing Bačka Palanka (bridge)
- On the II А category state road no.108, Bačka Palanka – Border Crossing Bačka Palanka (bridge), a traffic ban is in effect for vehicles whose total mass exceeds 3.5 tons.
16.01.2024 Traffic regime modification on I А category state road no.3, section Interchange Kuzmin – Interchange Batrovci
- As of 17.01.2024, the traffic regime will be modified on a segment of the I А category state road no. 3, on the section Interchange Kuzmin – Interchange Batrovci, in both directions, due to the works on the construction of the future motorway Kuzmin – Sremska Rača.
In the work zone (at the future interchange Kuzmin West), the emergency lane will be closed, with the narrowing of the carriageway and the limiting of the speed limit for a length of approximately 1300 meters.
We ask traffic participants to obey the traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 01.12.2023 Traffic regime modification on I B category state road no. 26, Šabac - Loznica
- On the I B category state road no. 26, Šabac - Loznica, in the zone of the bridge on the Štira, 4 km towards Šabac, a traffic regime modification is in effect for the requirement of construction of the left lane of the expressway Šabac - Loznica. The traffic flow is uninterrupted, with a reduced driving speed and a warning to the users to be careful.
01.12.2023 Traffic regime modification on II А category state road no. 135, Badovinci -Prnjavor
- On the II А category state road no. 135, Badovinci - Prnjavor, the traffic regime at the exit from Prnjavor towards Badovinci has been modified for the requirement of access to the construction site and site camp - the traffic flow is uninterrupted, with a reduced driving speed and a warning to the users to be careful.
14.11.2023.Traffic regime modification on I А category state road no. 5, at overpass Jasika
- On 14.11.2023, as part of the construction works on the I А category state road no. 5 (Morava Corridor), a deviation under the overpass Jasika was opened at the 23rd kilometer.
The traffic from the direction of Kruševac towards Kraljevo is rerouted to the interchange West. From the direction of Pojate to Kraljevo, the traffic moves on the deviation under the overpass Jasika, after which it returns to the traffic lane towards Kraljevo.
We ask traffic participants to obey the traffic signage and adapt their speed to the road conditions. 31.10.2023. Traffic regime modification on segment of I А category state road no. 5, at Jasika Road
- As part of the works on the Morava Corridor, on 31.10.2023, the overpass on Jasika Road over the I A category state road no.5 (motorway E-761) becomes operational.
The traffic from the direction of Kruševac is rerouted to the new overpass, and the deviation connecting Jasika and the new motorway E-761 is being closed. .
We ask traffic participants to adapt their speed to the road conditions. 16.10.2023.Traffic regime modification on I B category state road no. 23, Čačak - Požega
- The traffic regime is modified on the I B category state road no. 23, Čačak – Požega, in the interchange Pakovraće zone due to construction works on the motorway Е-763 Miloš Veliki, section Pakovraće - Požega.
In the work zone, the driving speed will be limited.
The works are provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. 10.08.2023 Traffic regime modification on segment of I B category state road no. 23, Kruševac (Jasika) - Koševi
- Traffic regime has been modified on the segment of the I B category state road no.23, section Kruševac (Jasika) – Koševi. The segment of the I B category state road no.23, section from Jasika roundabout (from 23 km) to the part in front of the roundabout Koševi (to km 27) is closed, and the traffic is diverted to the new lane of the motorway E-761, Morava Corridor, where it flows bi-directionally, and the directions are separated by vertical barriers.
The speed is reduced to 60 km/h, i.e., 30 km/h on the deviation, with increased caution and the overtaking ban.
We ask traffic participants to adapt their speed to the road conditions. 10.07.2023 Traffic regime modification on the segment of I A Category state road No. 5 and the segment of I B Category state road No. 23, from Pojate to Makrešane
- Due to works on the Moravian Corridor, a road diversion is opened from km 15 (Pojate - I A Category state road No. 5) to km 21+500 (Makrešane - I B Category state road No. 23). From the 15th km of I A Category state road No. 5, from the direction of Pojate, the traffic is diverted from the right lane to the left lane, in the direction of Kruševac, and is bi-directional, with speed limits of 60 and 40 km/h, increased caution and the overtaking ban.
The opposite directions are separated by vertical barriers, and from km 21+500, the traffic continues on I B Category state road No. 23.
We ask traffic participants to adjust their speed to the road conditions and observe the traffic signalization. 18.06.2023. Traffic regime modification on II А category state road no. 178, section Divčibare – Sastavci, at settlement Duškovci
- Due to the activation of the landslide on the II А category state road no. 178, section Divčibare – Sastavci, at the settlement Duškovci, the traffic flows in an alternating pattern.
07.06.2023.Traffic regime modification on II A Category state road No. 186, section Lipovica - Krepoljin
- Due to the activation of a landslide on II A Category state road No. 186, section Lipovica - Krepoljin, at the turn for Milanovac, the traffic flows in an alternating pattern.
We ask traffic participants to observe the installed temporary traffic signalization and to adjust their speed to the road conditions. 07.06.2023.Traffic regime modification on II B Category state road No. 396, section Porečki most - Miroč
- Due to the activation of a landslide on II B Category state road No. 396, section Porečki most - Miroč, the traffic flows in an alternating pattern.
We ask traffic participants to observe the installed temporary traffic signalization and to adjust their speed to the road conditions. 26.04.2023 Traffic regime modification due to opening to traffic of Subsections 1 and 2, from Pојаte tо Маkrеšаni, motorway Е-761: Pојаtе - Prеlјinа (“Моrаva Corridor“)
Е75 - Krаlјеvо / Krаlјеvо - Е-75
• For the transit traffic of freight vehicles over 12 t moving along the E-75 motorway (I A category no. 1) towards the destination Krаlјеvо, the following route will apply:
Interchange “Pојаtе“ → via motorway “Моrаva Corridor”, alignment with IB category state road no.23 → via IB category state road no. 23, towards destination Krаlјеvо.
Pојаtе - Krаlјеvо / Krаlјеvо - Pојаtе
• For the transit traffic of freight vehicles over 12 t moving along the IIА category state road no.158 from Pојаte towards destination Krаlјеvо, the following route will apply:
Pојаtе → via IB category state road no.23, intersection Ćićеvаc → via IIА category state road no.190, interchange “Ćićеvаc“ → via motorway “Моrаva Corridor”, alignment with IB category state road no.23 → via IB category state road no.23, towards destination Krаlјеvо.
Krаlјеvо - Blаcе, Brus / Blаcе, Brus - Krаlјеvо
• For the transit traffic of freight vehicles over 12 t moving along the IB category state road no.23 from Krаlјеvo towards destinations Blаcе and Brus, not turning at Stopanja to the IIA category state road no.211 towards Brus, the following route will apply:
Via IB category state road no.23 → alignment with the motorway → via motorway “Morava Corridor”, exit at interchange “Ćićеvаc“ → via IIА category state road no. 190, intersection Ćićеvаc → via IB category state road no.23, Маkrеšаnе, Krušеvаc → via IB category state road no. 38, towards destinations Blаcе and Brus.26.04.2023 Traffic regime modification due to opening to traffic of Subsections 1 and 2, from Pојаte tо Маkrеšаni, motorway Е-761: Pојаtе - Prеlјinа (“Моrаva Corridor“)
The opening to traffic of Subsections 1 and 2, from Pојаte tо Маkrеšаni, motorway Е-761: Pојаtе - Prеlјinа (“Моrаva Corridor“), on Saturday, 29.04.2023, will result in a traffic regime modification on the territories of the municipalities and cities through which this motorway passes.
The transit traffic regime modification refers to freight vehicles over 12 t of total permitted weight.
In this regard, we inform traffic participants of the following:
After the opening of a section of the E-761 motorway: Pojate - Preljina ("Morava Corridor"), on the section from the "Pojate" interchange to Makrešani, the following routes will be valid for the transit traffic of freight vehicles over 12 t of total permitted weight:
Е75 - Blаcе, Brus / Blаcе, Brus - Е75
• For the transit traffic of freight vehicles over 12 t moving along the E-75 motorway (I A category no. 1) towards the destinations Blace and Brus, the following route will apply :
Interchange “Pојаtе“ → via motorway “Моrаva Corridor”, exit at the interchange “Ćićеvаc“ → II А category state road no.190, intersection Ćićеvаc → IB category state road no.23, Маkrеšаnе, Krušеvаc → IB category state road no.38, towards destinations Blаcе and Brus.
Е75 - Krаlјеvо / Krаlјеvо - Е-75
• For the transit traffic of freight vehicles over 12 t moving along the E-75 motorway (I A category no. 1) towards the destination Krаlјеvо, the following route will apply:
Interchange “Pојаtе“ → via motorway “Моrаva Corridor”, alignment with IB category state road no.23 → via IB category state road no. 23, towards destination Krаlјеvо.
Pојаtе - Krаlјеvо / Krаlјеvо - Pојаtе
• For the transit traffic of freight vehicles over 12 t moving along the IIА category state road no.158 from Pојаte towards destination Krаlјеvо, the following route will apply:
Pојаtе → via IB category state road no.23, intersection Ćićеvаc → via IIА category state road no.190, interchange “Ćićеvаc“ → via motorway “Моrаva Corridor”, alignment with IB category state road no.23 → via IB category state road no.23, towards destination Krаlјеvо.
Krаlјеvо - Blаcе, Brus / Blаcе, Brus - Krаlјеvо
• For the transit traffic of freight vehicles over 12 t moving along the IB category state road no.23 from Krаlјеvo towards destinations Blаcе and Brus, not turning at Stopanja to the IIA category state road no.211 towards Brus, the following route will apply:
Via IB category state road no.23 → alignment with the motorway → via motorway “Morava Corridor”, exit at interchange “Ćićеvаc“ → via IIА category state road no. 190, intersection Ćićеvаc → via IB category state road no.23, Маkrеšаnе, Krušеvаc → via IB category state road no. 38, towards destinations Blаcе and Brus.20.02.2023 Traffic regime modification on segment of I B category state road no.23, section Ćićevac - Koševi
- Due to the works on the Morava Corridor, on the I B category state road no. 23, section Ćićevac – Koševi (800 m after the roundabout Jasika, in the Koševi direction), the carriageway has been narrowed on the left side, in the direction of Kraljevo.
The traffic flows in both directions and with a speed limit of 40 km/h.
We ask traffic participants to adapt their speed to the road conditions and obey the traffic signage. 05.02.2023 Traffic regime modification on II А category state road no. 161, section Petrovac on Mlava - Krepoljin
- As of 05.02.2023, the traffic regime is modified on the II А category state road no. 161, section Petrovac on Mlava – Krepoljin, from km 52+000 to km 53+300, due to the damage of the traffic lane toward Krepoljin, caused by a landslide.
The traffic for passenger vehicles flows in an alternating pattern, while a traffic ban is in effect for heavy vehicles.
The alternative routes are: from the direction of Petrovac on Mlava, the II А category state road no. 147 toward Kučevo, and from the direction of Krepoljin, the II А category state road no. 186 toward Despotovac.
The traffic is regulated using temporary traffic signage. 05.01.2023. Traffic regime modification on I B Category state road No. 24, at the settlement Sirča
- On I B Category state road No. 24, at the settlement Sirča (75+ 407 km), the approach road at the bridge over the river Morava has been opened due to the works on construction of the motorway Е-761.
All traffic participants are kindly asked to adapt their speed to the road conditions. 15.12.2022 Traffic regime modification on I B category state road no. 26, section Lešnica – Jelav
- As of 15.12.2022, traffic regime modification is in effect on the I B category state road no. 26, section Lešnica – Jelav, due to providing access to the construction site for the expressway Šabac - Loznica.
In the site access zone, the traffic flow on the I B category state road no. 26 will be uninterrupted, with a reduced driving speed, an overtaking ban and a timely warning for the drivers concerning the vehicles entering/exiting the state road.
We ask traffic participants to adapt their speed to the road conditions.
13.12.2022 Driving ban on II A category state road no. 181, section Кratovska Stena - Guča, on two bridges over river Bjelica
- On the II A category state road no. 181, section Кratovska Stena - Guča, on bridge Dljin (km 1+350) over the river Bjelica a driving ban for vehicles exceeding 1.5 t is in effect.
01.11.2022 Traffic regime modification on segment of I B category state road no. 22, section Mrčajevci - Kraljevo
- The traffic regime modification – narrowing of the road on the segment of the I B category state road no.22, section Mrčajevci – Kraljevo (from km 149+550 to km 150+430) due to the execution of construction works on the motorway E-761 overpass (section Pojate – Preljina) over the IB category state road no.22 at the chainage around km 150+000 (Adrani - Miločaj).
The works are provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. 07.10.2022. Extension of works on Novi Pazar Bypass - I B Category state road No. 22
- The works on construction of Novi Pazar Bypass - I B Category state road No. 22
The works (phase II) are provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. 12.06.2022 Difficult traffic flow on II B category state road no. 404, section Zlatibor - Semegnjevo
- On the II B category state road no. 404, section Zlatibor – Semegnjevo,afer traffic closure is in effect due to the flooding of the local rivers, difficult traffic flow, provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment.
04.01.2021 Closure of temporary level crossing in Batajnica, on the segment of II B Category state road No. 319
- As of 05.01.2022 at 10:00, traffic regime will be modified, including the installation of traffic signage for the closure of temporary railway crossing for cargo vehicles at km 19+665 of the railway Belgrade Center – Novi Sad – Subotica – State Border (Кelebija) in Batajnica.
During the day, in the periods when wagons testing the railway pass, short-term occasional traffic closures for passenger vehicles are in effect. Traffic closure is performed by the municipal police patrol.
The installation of temporary signage and traffic regime modification also refer to the I B category state road no.12, I B category state road no. 21 and the II A category state road no. 100.
The alternative route for TMV:
- via intersection of road Batajnički drum and street Kralja Milana Zetskog, to the newly-constructed junction in Batajnica,
from where traffic will be diverted towards Ugrinovci via I A category state road no. 1, further on to the Dobanovac junction and the II B category state road no. 319.
The length of the alternative road is approximately 20km.
The alternative route for vehicles not permitted to operate on motorways is:
- via settlements: Nova Pazova, Stara Pazova, Vojka,
Кrnješevci and Ugrinovci.
The length of the alternative road is approximately 27km.
The works will be provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment 25.10.2021.Traffic closure for vehicles weighing over 12 tons, on I B category state road no. 47, Pančevo Bridge
- On the I B category state road no.47, on the Pančevo Bridge, traffic closure is in effect for vehicles weighing over 12 tons.
Detour from the direction of Pančevo and Zrenjanin : Pupin Bridge-Interchange T6, i.e. Zmaj-Belgrade Bypass – Bubanj Potok – entry to the city via the interchange Medaković- street Ulica Vojislava Ilića- street Ulica Gospodara Vučića-street Bul.Kralja Aleksandra- street Batutova- street Ulica D.Tucovića-Belgrade Port.
The ban applies to heavy vehicles (not for the city or the intercity transport). 19.08.2021 Traffic regime modification on I B category state road no. 23, section Ćićevac - Makrešane, Makrešane – Кruševac (Jasika), Кoševi - Stopanja
- Traffic regime modification is in effect on the I B category state road no. 23, section Кoševi - Stopanja ( km 27+740), for the purpose of securing the slip road entering the state road, as part of the construction of the motorway E-761.
We are asking traffic participants to observe the traffic speed.
The works are provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. 02.04.2021 Traffic restriction for heavy-goods vehicles on II A Category state road No. 232, section Predejane - Crna Trava
- As of 02.04.2021, traffic restriction for heavy-goods vehicles weighing more than 7.5 tons will be in effect on II А Category state road No. 232, section Predejane - Crna Trava, at the settlement Crveni Breg, because of sinking of a part of the cut and fill which caused damages to roadbed and surfacing.
The alternative road routes for heavy vehicles are I B Category state road No. 39, Leskovac - Svođe, and II А Category state road No. 231, Svođe - Crna Trava. 31.03.2021.Traffic regime modification on Bačka Palanka Bypass for every vehicle category except for heavy-goods vehicles moving towards border crossing Bačka Palanka
- As of April 1, 2021, traffic regime modification will be in effect on Bačka Palanka Bypass for every vehicle category except for heavy-goods vehicles which will still be temporarily directed to the border crossing with the Republic of Croatia (Bačka Palanka/Ilok) regulated by the placed traffic signage on I B Category state road No. 12, section Bač-Bačka Palanka-Čelarevo, on II A Category state road No. 108, section Gajdobra-Bačka Palanka, and on II B Category state road No. 306, section Gajdobra-Čelarevo.
Bačka Palanka Bypass will no longer function as a one-way road in direction towards Bač, since the existing traffic lane in direction towards Bač, stretching from the beginning of the Bypass to exit to Bačka Palanka and temporarily serving as a parking lot for heavy-goods vehicles, and the existing lane in direction towards Novi Sad which was temporarily used for traffic running towards Bač, have now regained the original purpose. On the entire stretch of the Bypass the normalized traffic regime has been established for every vehicle category except for heavy-goods vehicles driving in direction from Novi Sad to the border crossing Bačka Palanka. 05.07.2020. Traffic ban for vehicles whose total mass exceeds 3t on II B category state road no.330, section Loznica - Zajača
- On II B category state road no.330, section Loznica - Zajača, from the Loznica exit to the industrial complex in Zajača, traffic ban has been in force for vehicles heavier than 3 t.
20.03.2020. Traffic closure on II A category state road no.130, the bridge over the river Tamiš, at Orlovat
- From 21.03.2020, traffic closure , on II A category state road no.130, the bridge over the river Tamiš, at the settlement Orlovat.
The alternative route for the vehicles coming from the direction of Zrenjanin and Perlez to Tomaševac, Uzdin and Kovačica via Orlament settlement, is II A category state road no.129, Farkaždin – Кovačica, and for the vehicles coming from the direction of Padina and Кovačica towards the settlement Orlovat, and further on towards Zrenjanin, it is II A category state road no.129, Farkaždin - Perlez.
The bridge will be provided with adequate traffic signage and equipment. 03.10.2019 II A category state road no.130, section Pančevo-Ečka
- On II A category state road no.130, section Pančevo-Ečka, traffic closure is in effect for vehicles of load capacity over 12 t.
03.10.2019 II A category state road no.129, section Kovačica-Šajkaš
- On II A category state road no.129, section Kovačica-Šajkaš, traffic closure is in effect for vehicles of load capacity over 12 t.
03.10.2019 II A category state road no.131, section Jabuka-Opovo-Čenta
- On II A category state road no.131, section Jabuka-Opovo-Čenta, traffic closure is in effect for vehicles of load capacity over 12 t.
01.12.2016. II A category state road No. 129, section Kać-Perlez
- II A category state road No. 129, section Kać-Perlez is closed for traffic for vehicles whose total weight exceeds 12t.
19.10.2016.Traffic ban for freight vehicles
- All freight vehicles have been banned on II A category state road No. 141, section Crniljevo-Osečina, from June 2014 and further.
28.07.2016.II B Category state road No. 347, section Zaklopača-Vrčin
- There is a traffic ban for vehicles weighing over 12t on the II B Category state road No. 347, section Zaklopača-Vrčin, in Zaklopača.
17.05.2006. II A category state road No. 130, section Ečka - Kovačica, over the bridge at Tomaševac
- There is a traffic ban for vehicles with total bearing capacity over 12 t on II A category state road No. 130, section Ečka - Kovačica, over the bridge at Tomaševac from 17.05.2006.
24.10.2005. II A category state road No. 100, section Bačka Topola-Novi Sad
- There is a traffic ban for vehicles with total bearing capacity over 12 t on II A category state road No. 100, section Bačka Topola-Novi Sad from 24.10.2005.
II B category state road No. 474, over Gazela Bridge
- There is a traffic ban for freight vehicles with bearing capacity over 3.5 t on II B category state road No. 474, over Gazela Bridge, still.