In the presence of the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, Ambassador of the Republic of China Li Ming, Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesić, President of "Powerchina Euroasia" Liu Saucen, acting director of PE "Putevi Srbije" Zoran Drobnjak, acting director of "Corridors of Serbia" Aleksandar Antić, the president of the municipality of Gornji Milanovac Dejan Kovačević, today, on October 4, 2024, the Bypass around Gornji Milanovac was opened for traffic.

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, stated that he is happy that such a region has got a modern road that looks like in Austria or Switzerland, which will facilitate everyday life in Gornji Milanovac and its surroundings, and which is economically very important in order to connect the local economy of that region with world roads.

The president added that the truck traffic that has been polluting Milanovac and Takovo for decades has been relocated and it has been shown that Milanovac is just as important as Niš, Novi Sad and Belgrade. President Vučić also thanked the domestic companies that participated in the construction of the Bypass around Gornji Milanovac.

Chinese Ambassador Li Ming pointed out that Serbia is progressing economically because it attaches great importance to the construction of transport infrastructure and that this is the path that leads to prosperity, and that this is another link between the Chinese and Serbian people. He added that the China and Serbia have been cooperating very closely in the last two years and that he hopes that there will be even more joint projects in the future.

The Bypass around Gornji Milanovac is part of the access road to the "Miloš Veliki" highway via the Takovo interchange.

The Bypass around Gornji Milanovac is 9.4 kilometers long and divided into two subsections, both 4.7 kilometers long: the first from Tenk to Klatičevo, which involves the construction of a completely new road with all kinds of earthworks, road cuts, ditches and embankments, and the second from Klatičevo to Takovo which includes the reconstruction of the existing state road on which four bridges and one overpass will be built.

With the construction of the road in question, transit traffic is completely separated from local traffic through the municipality of Gornji Milanovac. By relocating transit (truck) traffic, a comfortable traffic connection is achieved in the center of Gornji Milanovac, less air pollution, increased traffic safety, etc.

The statement of the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić and the cover video can be viewed at:: 04.10.24. BYPASS AROUND GORNJI MILANOVAC OPENED TO TRAFFIC
