Innsbruck (Austria) - March 2009

SC has approved the minutes of Paris session and was presented with the activities of the Secretariat and the ASECAP bodies as foreseen by the ASECAP By laws.

The members have received a working document identifying the open transport issues with a special emphasis on the issues regarding Eurovignette / a generalized charging regime/ an EETS charging instrument, Road Safety initiative at EU level and ITS as a research and deployment policy orientation, all of which are falling under the responsibilities of the 3 COPERs .
It was noted that the main ASECAP priority in this period is the new EETS decision. The final ASECAP position regarding this issue will be presented to the European Commission by the Secretary General.

Upon the presentation of the Action Plan on the Road Safety by the EU policy makers, ASECAP will take relevant action. Based on last moment information, the European Commission will have an open consultation day on April 23rd, which will be attended by ASECAP and its members.

Steering Committee was also presented with a document containing the COPER III positions on the ITS developments, indicating e-safety, ITS deployment plan, e-call and EASYWAY as priorities.

In order to actualize a better regional coordination among the members, the proposal to engage the ASFINAG expert, Mr. R. Moser, to work, on behalf of ASECAP, on priorities and strengthening of ASECAP presence in the EU and in the Eastern European regions, but under the supervision of ASECAP Secretary General, was commonly approved.

A detailed presentation on the project CESARE IV developments was brought forth to the members, as well as the information that, based on a last minute request from the ASECAP auditors, the CESARE IV project must be addressed in a way that the income and the revenues will appear at the final stage of the project. Based on this, the amount of 116,000.00 EUR appearing in the ASECAP 2008 accounts as “COPER IV charges” will be transferred to 2009 accounts (the year in which the CESARE IV project ends). 

ASECAP Study Days hosts in 2009 (Poland) and 2010 (Norway) informed the SC on the preparations for the upcoming events.
