Brussels (Belgium) - march 2013

The main items on the agenda were: approval of the minutes of the Steering Committee’s session 2012/3 in Paris, matrix of agreed points of daily actions, submission of activity reports to the Steering Committee: developments in the ASECAP activities, ASECAP candidacies in 2013, budget 2012 execution, etc.  

Referring to the matrix of actions called for by the last ASECAP Steering Committee, it was agreed that the ASECAP Think Tank activities are a constant process involving the ASECAP Permanent Committees (COPERs) at technical level, the ASECAP Executive Committee (COMEX) for political coordination and ultimately the ASECAP Steering Committee for decision on priorities to be followed. The Steering Committee expects the first results following the COPERs and COMEX stages at the occasion of its session 2013/2 in Dubrovnik.

As regards the specific point on the implementation of Eurovignette charging for external costs, COPER I was invited to follow the issue by sharing experience as necessary, the aim being that the members would keep each other informed.

The ASECAP Secretary General presented to the Steering Committee a detailed information document, containing information on the latest developments in the EU transport world, the crucial points for ASECAP and proposed activities for the ASECAP 2013 Work Program. 

Mr. Dionelis informed the Steering Committee on the political Transport framework in the EU, underlining the following key priorities for ASECAP: 

- EETS is a key priority for ASECAP
- A second priority relates to GNSS applications for tolling as promoted by the EC/GSA. Based on the MoU between ASECAP and the GSA, which is aimed at safeguarding a prudent approach towards DSRC/GNSS interaction, new activities from the GSA will require the involvement of ASECAP experts from COPER I (as well as COPER III as necessary); it is expected that a first outcome will be ready for presentation in May in Dubrovnik.



COPER I chairman Bruno De la Fuente presented the work undertaken by COPER I in relation to recent developments in the EETS domain, as well as the legislative initiatives from the European Commission on the award of concessions contracts and public procurement. In addition, Ms. Emanuela Stocchi presented the first draft of a common ASECAP-IBTTA declaration, as mandated by the COMEX based on the ASECAP-IBTTA MoU.


COPER II chairwoman Malika Seddi referred to the work carried out by COPER II since the last Steering Committee, focusing on the follow-up to the ASECAP Think Tank meeting in Paris on 27 November 2012. In this regard, COPER II worked on an issues paper regarding sustainability questions of relevance to the sector and agreed to work out a first index of themes to be developed in cooperation between all the COPERS so as to establish a set of minimum common indicators allowing to show how ASECAP members define, evaluate and commit to the concept of sustainability.


COPER III chairman Marko Jandrisits gave an overview of ASECAP activities in the field of ITS and the following issues were addressed in particular:

-  Co-existence ITS (5,9 GHz) - DSRC (5,8 GHz): COPER III continues to follow actively developments in this field. 
-  Amsterdam Group: The Group’s aim is to prepare a roadmap at technical level on the implementation of priority cooperative systems, which will be submitted for political consideration to the ASECAP Steering Committee when mature. 
-  The COPER III chairman presented a structured overview of ASECAP’s involvement in various initiatives and projects in the ITS domain.     


Stephane Verwilghen from the ASECAP Secretariat presented the members’ traffic data for the third and fourth quarters of 2012. He also gave an overview of other – completed and forthcoming – benchmarking activities, as well as of information requests launched at the demand of ASECAP members since the last Steering Committee. 


The members presented briefly their priority points. Following the established procedure, the interested members have sent to the Secretariat a brief information note with the issues they wish to be included in the meeting minutes.  


Following the ASECAP By-Laws’ provisions concerning the rotating presidential scheme (the President becomes Past President, the first Vice President becomes President, etc.), the Steering Committee welcomed the application of 

-  Mr. Massimo Schintu (AISCAT) for the post of the 2nd Vice President 
-  Mr. Andreas Arnaoutis (TEO) and Mr. Matjaz Knez (DARS) for the posts of the two elected COMEX members.

The formal decision of the Steering Committee on this matter will be taken in its session 2013/2 in Dubrovnik. 


The Steering Committee approved unanimously the Draft Budget as submitted. The Secretary General reminded to the members that a part of the ASECAP budgetary expenses is always covered by the revenues of the ASECAP annual Study Days although this part of the revenues has been reduced during the last years. ASECAP President reminded to the Steering Committee members to take into account the above information and try to participate more actively in such ASECAP events promoting them as much as possible. However, it was also commonly recognized that in the present period (which is a period of a general socio-economic crisis) these actions should be addressed with prudence and realism. The Steering Committee will decide accordingly in Dubrovnik. 
