Warsaw (Poland) - March 2016


The first session 2016/1 of the ASECAP Steering Committee took place in Warsaw on 7th March 2016.

This conference was also held with itention to present ideas and projects which would allow increased raod safety level. The ASECAP aims at stregthening of realtionship between all interested parties: industry, creators of the policies and competent organizations so as to ensure the status of the European motorways as the safiest roads.

As principals “user pays” and “polluter pays” are considered to be a cornerstones of the EU Traffic policy, there still remains an open issue of “how far the new Eurovignette directive will go” and whether it will cover all the categories of vehicles.

Within the COPER activities, the following issues were considered – concessions, safety (the latest ASECAP safety leaflet), and the field of complex areas of automated vehicles, infrastructure and radio-frequencies, as well as better system for data gathering.
